#wisdomwednesday I was extremely grateful and fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a guest speaker today for a great mining company in thunder Bay. The topic of my talk was about positive thinking and I also talked about a few things that has helped me along the way and has helped me be who I am today. Three of my favourite topics in which I discussed were;⁣⁣
Don’t complain about something that you have the ability to change. Focus and execute and do the best you can. Invest in yourself, be different, unique, and embrace your differences. There is a quote that I really like and it is “life is not about perfection, it is about progression”, just keep moving forward in a positive way. ⁣⁣
How you do something, is how you do everything. Do things for the right intentions, trust your gut feeling. Be you, do your own thing. Don’t compare yourself to others, run your own race. Good things take time. Don’t let people tell you that you can’t do anything.  People who say that they can do something and people who say that they can’t, they are both usually right.⁣⁣
Win the day: Make today count, make everyday count. Utilize your abilities and resources to accomplish what you want. Every day we are so fortunate to be alive, for me, it is all about bettering myself every day. Don’t do the bare minimum, try not to procrastinate, don’t reach a quota, reach your full potential. Having the win the day mentality is just as simple reminder to do your best every single day, and try to win, all the little wins add up to something special.⁣⁣
Ryan Benoit